Major League Soccer

Zlatan Ibrahimovic To MLS?

ibra-becksDavid Beckham wants to make Paris Saint-Germain striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic the face of his new Miami team in Major League Soccer team.

Beckham’s Miami franchise took a huge step forward earlier this month when his ownership group announced that they had acquired a site for a new stadium.

While the new stadium is not expected to be ready until the 2017 or 2018 season, the former LA Galaxy star is already thinking about the type of stars he wants to bring to Miami.

Beckham was a teammate of Ibrahimovic at PSG in 2013 and he says he was bowled over by how dedicated the former AC Milan, Inter and Barcelona striker is.

“I love Zlatan as a person and a player,” the former Manchester United and Real Madrid midfielder said.

“I’ve never met anyone as serious as him during matches and training. When I came to Paris, I knew he was hugely talented but I didn’t know that he was so hard on himself. He’s a born winner and I’m one of his biggest admirers.

“We’ve received permission to build our stadium — it will take two or three years. If Zlatan is still playing then, I’d buy him immediately.

He’s in great shape physically so why not? Who wouldn’t want a man who’s ready to kill to win?”

Would love to see Ibra in MLS, but he is already 34 and you wonder how much his skills will decline over the next 2-3 years?

What do you think about Ibra coming to MLS? Would you be excited about his arrival?