Premier League

Real Madrid’s Higuain to undergo back surgery

Pipita HiguainAccording to the Real Madrid website, Gonzalo Higuain will undergo back surgery for a herniated disc. Here is the full statement from Real Madrid:

A magnetic resonance determined at the end of the year that Gonzalo Higuain suffers from a herniated disc. Knowing this, during the first week of December, the Club consulted with several experts on spinal column pathologies. Taking all opinions into account, the Sanitas-Real Madrid Medical Services, the player, his family and the Club decided a conservative treatment should be tackled, comprising specific recovery exercises. It was agreed a new clinical examination would be undertaken in four weeks time. Having met this deadline today, Higuain had a magnetic resonance supervised by the Sanitas-Real Madrid Medical Services and the external advisors mentioned above. It showed clinical improvement on the injury and an important reduction of local inflammation. The persistence of pain and of the herniated disc moved experts to advise surgery as the next step. This decision has been accepted by the player, his family and the Club.

The conservative treatment has been good for the player’s biomechanics. The work done till now will allow for an easier surgical procedure, better post-operational results and a shorter rehabilitation period.

It has been agreed by all the aforementioned parties that a decision will be reached within the next 48 hours regarding the medical centre where the oparation will take place and the surgeon who will perform it.

There is no timeline in the Real statement for when Higuain will be able to play again, but I cannot see him playing this month. With Kaka returning this week, will that provide Mourinho with enough options up front, or will Real Madrid jump into the transfer market to buy another center forward?

Creative Commons License photo credit: Jan S0L0