
Mourinho Facing Stadium Ban

jose-mourinho-worriedChelsea manager Jose Mourinho faces the threat of a stadium ban after being charged with misconduct for his actions towards match officials at half-time of Saturday’s Premier League match at West Ham, the Football Association announced on Monday.

A statement from the FA read:

“Jose Mourinho has been charged with misconduct in relation to his language and/or behaviour towards the match officials in or around the dressing room area at half-time.

“Chelsea coach Silvino Louro has also been charged with misconduct in relation to his behaviour which led to his 45th minute dismissal from the technical area,” the FA statement added.

“West Ham have been charged for failing to control their players in the 44th minute of the game and Chelsea have also been charged with the same offence for an alleged breach in the 45th minute of the game.

“All parties have until 6pm on Thursday [Oct. 29, 2015] to reply.”

Mourinho was already at risk of a stadium ban for his post-match comments following Chelsea’s 3-1 defeat by Southampton at Stamford Bridge on October 3.

The Chelsea manager is appealing against his £50,000 fine and suspended, one-match stadium ban. It is expected to be heard by the FA’s regulatory commission before they play Liverpool on Saturday. Mourinho has until 6pm on Thursday to respond to the latest charge.

A stadium ban for this latest offence would be the most severe punishment, but he could also be suspended from the touchline or fined.

Mourinho will be on the touchline for Tuesday’s Capital One cup match at Stoke but I doubt he will be there when Jurgen Klopp and Liverpool visit Stamford Bridge at the weekend.

The FA have to be growing weary of Mourinho’s antics and fines don’t seem to be any sort of punishment for a man paid £10 million-a -year by Chelsea alone.

Back in 2014, the FA banned then Newcastle United manager Alan Pardew from the touchline for seven games, three of them from the stadium, for head butting Hull City defender David Meyler. It would not surprise me if the FA levied a similar sort of suspension at Mourinho, especially considering that the FA has said that they will take Mourinho’s previous behavior into account at the hearing.

What sort of suspension do you think Mourinho will get?