
Did Chelsea Turn Down A £57.5m Bid For Oscar?

OscarOver the past three or four seasons few teams have done as well selling players as Chelsea. From Juan Mata, to David Luiz to Ramires, Chelsea have consistently gotten top money for anyone they sold.

So it is bit unusual to hear that Chelsea have reportedly turned down a £57.5m bid for Oscar from Chinese Super League side Jiangsu Suning, who snapped up Ramires from the Blues recently.

While Chelsea may have dismissed the claims of a bid, Oscar has suddenly started telling people how happy he is at Stamford Bridge, saying to Chelsea TV:

“I want to stay here for a long time”

“I want to win more games, more trophies, because I love Chelsea, I love the fans. I like the city, my family like it here.

“I don’t have (a reason to) change the club. Everyone likes me here and I’m very happy here.”

If there is no bid, why the sudden public announcement by Oscar about how much he loves England and Chelsea?

But from a Chelsea as a club perspective, how can you turn that kind of offer down for the 24-year-old midfielder? While Oscar is a nice player, he is not one of the elite players in England, nevermind Europe, and no European club is going to offer €73m for him this summer.

It is not often that Chelsea leave money on the table, especially where the funds could have been used to sign two or three quality players in the summer, but to me this looks like one on of those times.

Should Chelsea have turned down this offer for Oscar?