Premier League

Del Nido Demands La Liga Equality In TV Revenue

Sevilla president Jose Maria del Nido has once again called for change in the distribution of money from television rights in La Liga

Currently Real Madrid and Barcelona receive nearly 135million euros each per season from TV income, while the other La Liga clubs like Sevilla receive 31million euros.

Del Nido led a similar campaign for change last summer which failed, but he believes the demand from the smaller clubs for a more equitable split of the money is growing.

He told AS: “The message is catching on because we started as five or six clubs but our numbers are growing and we are turning the situation around.

“We want better treatment and better conditions for the Segunda Division too so that we can ensure its economic viability and so it cannot be used as a threat against clubs in the vote against the current Primera Division system.

“Hopefully by the end we will have 15 or 16 clubs on our side and that will allow us to reach a distribution of money which is not only fair but equitable.”

Del Nido also stressed the need for fairness in deciding when each team plays over the course of the weekend.

Sevilla played five times on a Monday night last season whereas Barcelona played only once and only because they had played in the European Super Cup the previous Friday, whilst Real Madrid did not play at all on a Monday.

“If Sevilla play on Mondays then so should Madrid and Barcelona. Here we are all equal but there are two who believe they play in a different tournament. We are also trying to end the confusion and arbitrary nature of the kick-off times so that we all play on the same day the same number of times.”

The 54-year-old believes that following the English example of scheduling so that clubs, fans and television companies are well aware ahead of time which teams will be playing at what time on any given weekend.

“In the Premier League they unify the times so that there are two days of fixed schedules which are known at the beginning of the championship and that allows every team to play under the same conditions.”

Do you agree with Di Nido? Should the TV revenue be distributed equally amongst all the La Liga clubs?