Premier League

Calderon Says Mourinho Has Hurt Real Madrid

Former Real Madrid president Ramon Calderon says the club has been damaged by Jose Mourinho’s behaviour during the European semi-finals with Barcelona.

Mourinho was sent off in the first leg for disputing a red card and is being investigated by UEFA for his comments after the match:

“To talk like that has been harmful for Real Madrid,” Calderon told BBC Sport. “Big clubs should not blame the referee for their mistakes or their defeats,” said Calderon. “We invested £400m in the last two years to be a very important and strong team so if you lose you cannot blame injuries, bad luck, referees or nothing. If you lose you have to congratulate the rival and that is all. What he [Mourinho] did in terms of talking about Uefa and referees is not acceptable at all.”

What do you think of Calderon’s comments? Is he right or wrong?