
Arsenal Left To Dream About Europa League Next Season

Arsenal’s top four hopes took another damaging blow on Monday night as they weer thrashed by Crystal Palace.

Arsene Wenger’s side are now seven points off the top four with a game in hand.

Speaking after the game the Frenchman insisted he was ‘determined to put things right’ in a long post-match interview with Sky Sports’ Geoff Shreeves..

Geoff Shreeves: Arsene, was that a terrible performance and a terrible result for you tonight?

Arsene Wenger: I felt that they won decisive duels. We created quite dangerous situations but defensively I think we were exposed many times. Offensively we couldn’t finish. I think the first-half was quite level and then they come out in the second-half stronger than us and we were a bit unfortunate I think on the second goal, and on the third goal it was a penalty that killed our game.

GS: Were you also unable to handle Christian Benteke this evening? He seemed to cause you all sorts of problems.

AW: Yes he was up for it, he’s a handful for everybody when he’s like that.

GS: They were also winning all the second balls as well. Were they more committed? Was there more desire from Crystal Palace tonight?

AW: I think they were sharper than us in the duels and certainly in many decisive situations tonight, yes.

GS: That must be deeply concerning for you. What do you put that down to?

AW: Look, it’s not the right moment to go in any… We have to analyse the game. I think we had a lot of the ball. We had a lot of possession. If they won all the second balls we would not have so much possession. I think we won many second balls as well, but there were in the decisive duels… I think they were stronger, yes. Especially Benteke tonight.

GS: What did you say at half-time because it seemed to be more of the same the second-half?

AW: Look, what we say in the dressing room remains in the dressing room.

GS: But why do you think you were unable to change things?

AW: I just told you. You know. I thought they won more decisive duels than us.

GS: How damaging is this in terms of your quest for top four tonight?

AW: It’s damaging of course. On that front of course, that is what is most difficult for us. A difficult defeat but on top of that it has consequences on our chances to be in the top four.

GS: Also when you hear the fans singing ‘You’re not fit to wear the shirt’ they’re showing their deep unhappiness with the performance. What do you make of that?

AW: You can not… you understand that our fans are very unhappy. They come here with hope that we win the game.

GS: How worried are you personally by what you saw tonight?

AW: No, every defeat is a big worry. I’ve managed over 1,100 games for Arsenal Football Club, and we are not used to lose like that. And of course it is a big worry.

GS: How concerned are you that this season is just drifting away, petering out?

AW: Yeah, unfortunately at the moment it is like that and we have to respond very quickly and not accept it.

GS: Do you think the situation regarding yourself has any effect on what’s happening? They looked leaderless, rudderless tonight.

AW: Geoff, I don’t know. But I can not go on forever after the game like that. I’m disappointed and determined to put things right. Tonight the worry is not me. It’s the fact that we lost a big game, and when you lose a big game it’s a big worry.

GS: OK. Lastly, is there any news on your situation?

AW: No.

GS: Arsene, thank you.