Real Madrid

82.4% Of Voters Want Mourinho Sacked

MourinhosadThe results of an online survey by are pretty clear, The Real Madrid fans have had enough of Jose Mourinho and they want him fired.

Benching Casillas for the Málaga game on Saturday was the last straw for the Madridista. A question by over the weekend “Should Real Madrid sack Mourinho?” was answered by almost 100,000 Madrid fans with a resounding 82.4% of the replying “Yes”.

Quite clearly, the love affair between the Special One and the Real Madrid faithful is over, the break up becoming apparent in the King’s Cup game agaist Alcoyano, when many supporters booed and jeered their manager.

Benching captain Iker Casillas against Malaga has totally incensed the Real Madrid fans. While Mourinho’s body language in recent weeks suggests that he cannot wait to get out of Madrid and move back to the Premier League, the big question is whether he will leave of his own accord or whether he will be pushed?

That is the decision that Real Madrid president Florentino Perez is struggling with. I cannot see Mourinho walking away, too much money at stake. And with a Champions League tie with Manchester United looming in six weeks, would Perez really fire Mourinho in the hope that the new manager can get Madrid to the Champions League final?

My feeling is that Perez gives Mourinho more rope. He keeps him for the Man United ties, due to his remarkable record against Fergie. But get knocked out of the Champions League and Mou will have sacked.

What do you think will happen to Mourinho? Will he see out the season at Real Madrid?